Networking Basics

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So what are the basics of Networking?

Attend meetings regularly and on time – people attend networking meetings to tell the other members about their businesses and what they are looking for (leads, introductions etc.) and would like the whole group to hear their request as everybody at a meeting is effectively acting as a sales team for all the others. Therefore, if half the members decided not to turn up one week the effectiveness of the group is diminished. Also, be on time (if your always late what impression does that give) and if you really can’t make a meeting then please make your apologies to the group in good time!

Talk to people – not about what you do but about them, what their interests are, what challenges they’re facing. Show a genuine interest in them as people not just business prospects.

Build Relationships – people buy from people they trust and like. If they don’t think you’re genuine you won’t build a relationship with them.networking6

Follow up – on all enquiries and leads you receive quickly. If somebody has taken the effort to recommend you it is common courtesy to deal with it straight away and to let your referrer know that you have replied.

Always deliver a first class service – If a colleague trusts you enough to refer business to you then they are expecting that you will deliver their contact an excellent service. Quite often the first referral you receive from someone is a small trial project to try out your business, if you come through with flying colours they’ll start to trust you and be happy to refer more work your way.

Don’t just take, give back – if you receive a lot of business from networking ensure that you reciprocate to the other members of the group by going out of your way to seek out referrals for them. Make it a priority to find out as much about their businesses, and them, as you can so that you can refer with confidence.

Only pass quality referrals – a good referral is one that has been researched and set up. The contact in the company being referred to will have a need for the service provided and you will have given both parties the others contact details and they will be expecting to be contacted. After that normal business rules apply and it’s up to the member being referred to win the business.